
This process that renders the memory stable is termed reconsolidation In the 1980s, Basinski recorded from found sound sources, shortwave radio and delay systems, influenced by musicians such as Steve Reich and Brian Eno. Decades later, while transferring the recordings from magnetic tape to digital format, Basinski found that the tape had deteriorated; as it passed the tape head, the ferrite detached from the plastic backing. He allowed the loops to play for extended periods as they deteriorated further, with increasing gaps and cracks in the music.…
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The end of an era

I notified my employees and clients this week that itsbspoke will cease operations on May 31, with the month of May serving as a transition and severance period for the team. I am now looking for full-time employment starting June 1. I feel such gratitude that I’ve had an opportunity to work with wonderful teammates and clients during the past five years. I knew there were significant entrepreneurial risks as I grew my team and expanded the scope of itsbspoke.…
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Deferred Work Using Sidekiq

As we’ve discussed at certain points in the past, user experience is extremely important, and back-end developers have a lot to do with that as well. Many users can deal with ‘ugly’ if the interface is clear, but no one on Earth likes slow! We’ll look at how to take needed work out of the request/response cycle in this exercise. Step 0 We’ll be revisiting the house project with this exercise.…
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Facebook OAuth using OmniAuth and Rails 4

Step 1: Installing gems gem "omniauth" gem 'omniauth-facebook', '1.4.0' bundle install Step 2 OmniAuth.config.logger = Rails.logger Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :facebook, ENV['FACEBOOK_KEY'], ENV['FACEBOOK_SECRET'] end Step 1: An app Mine looked like this: Click “Continue”, and you should be brought to an application screen that contains your App ID (or API Key) and your App Secret. Note those, but we’ll need to fill in some information here. In the “App Domains” box, put ’localhost'…
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