Job, with a Twist

Posted on Nov 6, 2003

So, even though my boss said he’d try not to throw me into the deep end– there I am! I’ve been requested by the QA/QC (that’s Quality Assurance/Quality Control for the non-droids out there) department head to come take a look at their processes. So now I’m glad I read that consulting book!

In other job news, the miscellaneous web tasks have been no problem. Work on the web application framework is progressing well, and when I’m finished, I should have something pretty nice to offer the public. Yeah, sure, you probably could care less, but I’ve spent almost a week on it now, so somebody will appreciate the Google search that turns that up!

But I still love the job. There’s so much I’m learning so quickly– I’ll make my mistakes and take my bumps, but this is a time in my life I can do something like this. Just work and work like crazy.