That’s right, time for a spate of updates. This one will be fun!
- My last entry titles have used entirely too many exclamation points
- I’m going to go see Bright Eyes this weekend
- Me and Megan are still going out. It’s going quite well. You’ll have to contact me personally for all the lurid details. Did I say lurid?
- Brady bought a house
- Allie got engaged, and I am such a bad friend, I haven’t even called her yet to congratulate her, although that is on the schedule for this weekend.
- So is calling Andy, who I haven’t talked to in probably a year and a half.
- Eric Furbish is coming to town at the end of February.
- I’m going to Tennessee in the middle of February.
- I turn 26 in, like, 16 days
- I got called in by Robert Half Technology to bail some project out. It’s at once flattering and kind of scary. I’m going to do this one because I feel great right now, and it’s always nice to have a couple more tech folks that you know when you’re in my line of work. But rescuing troubled projects sounds like a way to get an ulcer in about five years. There’s so many ways to get yourself into trouble on a tech project. And, as I’ll write an essay about shortly, there’s no inherent incentive to produce good projects.
- I’m working on some other big projects, but I’m only going to mention them here when there’s something to actually discuss. Right now, it’s too unreal.
- I really like my new job. The work has been very gratifying. I like the people. The laptop that they issued me is unbelievable.
- I am totally rocking the Palm Tungsten C again. I forgot how nice it was to have it with me at all times. Thanks to Megan’s messenger bag (which I am not allowed to call a man-purse) I can do that no matter what I’m wearing.
Isn’t that enough?