Personal Ish
I am doing a lot of stuff right now, and so the blog is suffering. Isn’t that just the way of things?
Megan enjoyed her birthday very much, thanks mostly to a ring I got her that exceeded any expectation I had of how good it might be. Besides the ring, though, I’m just glad it made her happy. She certainly reported the reaction I was looking for from her friends and students. She fielded the “When are you going to get married?” questions as best she could, although she was happy to pass those same questions along to me. I am still working on the answer.
I am totally in love with XM Radio. I’m learning about when my favorite artists come out with new albums, finding out about new artists I like but have never heard of (e.g. Something For Rockets), and, uh, listening to more dance music.
Mogwai was an excellent show. Thank god I was able to get Megan her earplugs. I am reminded once again, though, that I am getting older. The show was over at just after midnight, and we had to stop twice on the way home to catch quick naps.
The new oven is incredible.
If Oprah was looking to call James Frey out, she obviously didn’t read My Friend Leonard; I’d be shocked if truths outnumbered fictions in that book. What a crock of horseshit.
Art DeVany didn’t need very much time to start blogging again after his wife passed away. Not that it was a surprise to me. He is an extremely interesting fellow.
I am using FeedLounge to keep up with the blogosphere, and it’s doing a fantastic job. My Dreamhost referrals pay for it, so I get to enjoy the fruits of my residuals. If you are interested in a web host, I will be glad to outline the plusses and minuses of the ones with which I am familiar.
I am wishing that my notecard system for Getting Things Done would have held up, but I just keep losing them. I guess I’ll have to wait until I get Palm-like functionality from my cell phone.
I got a Nintendo DS with Metroid Pinball, Tetris DS, and the Castlevania game. Totally sweet. I am a Nintendo fan at heart, and the new Zelda game is going to be ridiculous.
I am not playing around with Ruby too much at the moment, but I was encouraged when Don from work asked to take the Pickaxe home with him.
The “test-your-might-for-free” server I acquired from Sun found a happy recipient in Don, as well. I’m glad he’s taking the captaincy of the “blog about beating the hell out of this server and we might let you keep it” project. I really don’t have room for any more.
I had an interesting dinner with Jeremy the other week
I am working on getting a geek dinner set up for here in Richmond, but details are still being worked out before I announce it.
The nutty geek order I talked about last time was hoodwink.d and I don’t think it’s really all that cool. A totally sweet undertaking technically, and why? is pretty much awesome regardless. I was happy to learn about XPath, though, that’s a useful trick. I’ll be very happy when XHTML is the only way to go. Well-formedness is nice.
I’m adding more gear to my home network. I got a NAS device from Buffalo Technolgy that is working quite well so far. I also finally got printing from Megan’s iBook over our wireless network to our wireless print server working. I’ll try to post a blog about that soon; It’s quite hard and there’s almost 0 good information out there about it. Help me Google Juice.
As always, I am a total dork.
I think I’ll be sending my sister a care package in the next few days. But is she already so bored that she didn’t read this far? Only time can say for sure!